CityGML UtilityNetworkADE
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UtilityNetworkADE Version 0.1.0
UtilityNetworkADE Version 0.2.0
!!!Latest Version of UtilityNetworkADE !!!
- Title: UtilityNetworkADE
- Description: CityGML ADE for the modelling of utility networks in 3d city models. The UtilityNetworkADE defines a topological network model facilitating sophisticated analyses and simulations on utility networks and supplying infrastructures. Included are, amongst others, network hierarchies of arbitrary depth, nesting of network components, and modelling of multi-modal networks. Furthermore, it allows for representing the network components as 3d topographic city objects.
- ADE Status: Draft!! Please keep in mind that this ADE is currently under development and discussion by the modeling group of SIG3D. Some parts of the model may be not valid to the OGC Technical Committee Policy Directive: "The Specification Model — A Standard for Modular specifications". The neccesity of direct dependencies between some ADE modules is an ongoing discussion and may be changed later on.
- ADE Version: 0.9.0
- Last ADE Update: September 3rd, 2012
- Related CityGML Version: Version 2.0.0
- Intention: Will be proposed as additional thematic module for CityGML 2.0
- Contact Person: Thomas Becker; Claus Nagel; Thomas H. Kolbe
- Contact Organisation: Insitute for Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, Technische Universität Berlin
- Derivation of Schema-Files: The XSD-Schema Files are automatically derived from an EAP-Model. This was realised by a tool created by J. Benner and K.-H. Haefele from KIT.Thanks for that. If you have question according to this, please contact: J. Benner; K.-H. Haefele
- XML Schema package:
- Enterprise Architect Model:
- UML Diagram for NetworkCore Model: Media:NetworkCore_-_UtilityNetworkADE.pdf
- UML Diagram for NetworkComponents Model:Media:NetworkComponents_-_UtilityNetworkADE.pdf
- UML Diagram for NetworkProperties Model:Media:NetworkProperties_-_UtilityNetworkADE.pdf
- UML Diagram for FeatureMaterial Model:Media:FeatureMaterial_-_UtilityNetworkADE.pdf
- UML Diagram for HollowSpace Model:Media:HollowSpace_-_UtilityNetworkADE.pdf